All law firms have to comply with the SRA Handbook as well as a bewildering raft of legislation and regulation. Get it wrong and you could face investigation, disciplinary action, fines and prosecution (not to mention the associated reputational damage). LexisPSL Practice Compliance is an online service designed to make risk and compliance easier to manage, whatever the size of your firm. It comes with everything you need to get your compliance house in order and keep it that way.

All compliance in one place
There’s no need to go hunting through the SRA Handbook, Information Commissioner’s guidance or legislation. It’s all included, so you can focus on running your business and day-to-day compliance.

Practical guidance on what to do next
Our Practice Notes tell you what you need to know, what you need to do, and more importantly, how to comply with all the rules and regulations.

Practical tools ready to use
LexisPSL Practice Compliance provides you with access to an unbeatable range of practical guidance, over 700 templates, flowcharts, checklists and other time-saving tools.

Keep up to date
Monthly highlights sent direct to your inbox tell you what’s changed and what you need to do about it. You can also set customisable daily or weekly news alerts to understand what’s happening in the world of compliance.

Monthly compliance forecaster
Our monthly compliance forecast alerts make sure you know what’s coming so you have plenty of time to prepare.
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